Wednesday, May 06, 2009
YWAM Ireland runs the Belfast City Marathon!
Jonny Clark, our YWAM Ireland National Director, was one of 5 participants in a relay-fundraiser for YWAM Ireland this past Monday. Along with Ramy, Jess, Amy, and Chris, he ran his portion of the stretch and helped to raise money for our ministry needs. Check out the video Mikael and he made last week in preparation of the marathon. New videos and photos will be available soon!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Burundi DTS Outreach Update! - by Tom Tate

We are a team of six people currently situated in Bujumbura, Burundi on the DTS outreach. We've had a busy time so far of being involved with a lot of different ministries including working ina hospital, an orphanage, running reconciliation seminars and courses and also playing a lot of football with streetkids! Things have been busy for us, but good.
As a team we have been so aware of God's hand of protection on us as we travel through the centre of Africa. We have been blessed by health (for the most part) incredible ministries to be involved in and some incredible contacts (now friends) who have welcomed us more warmly than we could have imagined or expected.
Rwanda and Burundi are beautiful countries that are blessed with natural resources and sunny climes, but that have also seen a history of conflict, hatred and division that has scarred the land and the people here over the last half century. As a team, our prayer is that we will be a group that brings Christ and his healing forgiveness and gift of reconciliation to these places. We know that there is nothing within US that can do this, rather, we are simply here trying to be willing vessels of his power, authority and grace to the people living here. We are blessed and privileged to be used in this way, and it is a gift to be here and see God choosing to work through and use us.
With four weeks left, we are heading to the middle of Burundi today to work with Youth for Christ at an orphanage they run. Our team was there last year and had an incredible time of ministry and getting to know the children and workers there. Please pray for us as we continue on our journey and seek God for us and for those we are meeting!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
DTS outreach reports back from Durban, South Africa
YWAM Ireland's Closkelt DTS is half way into their outreach in Durban, South Africa. Below is a letter about what they've been up to so far! Enjoy!
While working with YWAM Durban, we were able to go with them into a township called Burlington. While there we cleaned houses for some of the Grandmothers who have never seen a white person clean before, many of them were amazed that we were even there. In the afternoons we were able to play with the children there, they were so sweet and playful, they taught us new kinds of games and even helped us learn more Zulu. We are all thankful that God has given us the chance to show these kids his love.
While staying at YWAM Durban also we had one week of lectures. One of the staff members of the Durban location, Geoff Kingsford, taught us about relationships. It was a myriad of different types of relationships and how they all come together. It was both a challenging and an encouraging week for all of the students.
We next arrived at Missions Ablaze on February 8th and by February 9th we quickly found out how the next week was going to be. Currently Missions Ablaze is a place that requires a lot of physical labor. Everything from taking care of their property (using machetes to trim overgrowth) to helping make the food they serve in and around Durban
(They serve about 5000 per week). They are also in the middle of building an orphanage to hold 100 kids that they would like to see open by June 1. We were involved with all these things and are very excited to see what the last 3 weeks of outreach bring us.
More to come later on!

While staying at YWAM Durban also we had one week of lectures. One of the staff members of the Durban location, Geoff Kingsford, taught us about relationships. It was a myriad of different types of relationships and how they all come together. It was both a challenging and an encouraging week for all of the students.
We next arrived at Missions Ablaze on February 8th and by February 9th we quickly found out how the next week was going to be. Currently Missions Ablaze is a place that requires a lot of physical labor. Everything from taking care of their property (using machetes to trim overgrowth) to helping make the food they serve in and around Durban
(They serve about 5000 per week). They are also in the middle of building an orphanage to hold 100 kids that they would like to see open by June 1. We were involved with all these things and are very excited to see what the last 3 weeks of outreach bring us.
More to come later on!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Update on the Nomad's DTS
Greetings form YWAM Ireland!!
Thank you so much for your interest in our DTS here in Ireland, the Nomad's school. I appreciate that some of you have been waiting to hear information and I'm sorry that we have not been able to be quicker and more exact in our communication. The reason there has been a hold up is due to a bureaucratic error on behalf of the British Immigration service. This service has been undertaking a major shake up in the way they process visa applications from people coming from outside of the European Union. Due to this mistake, YWAM Northern Ireland cannot bring in overseas nationals until April time at least - at the moment- the timing is unsure....SO...
We are having to make a suggested change to the Nomad's school. We are now going to split the 3 month DTS lecture phase into 2 segments. The first phase will be 6 weeks, and will be in YWAM Harpenden, in England (, Most of the second phase will be in Belfast, Northern Ireland for 6 weeks, but we will also visit our other base, Closkelt, and maybe even do a week of lectures on the road!! At that point the DTS will probably split into 2 teams, one team will travel and do outreach in Ireland, and the other group will be in Europe. There will also be an option for those who want to, to take part in a 2 week trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories. The DTS will start on the 5th April so time is short.
I think this change will actually make this school very exciting. It will merge the benefits of two very different works. YWAM Harpenden is a well established large beautiful property 30 minutes north of London by train. YWAM Belfast is a cutting edge ministry in the heart of a troubled urban neighbourhood - every student who comes here will have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to some of the neediest youth and families in the UK and Ireland.
This change now means that YWAM Harpenden will process your visa application. What we need to know is whether you still want to go ahead and join this school. If you do, then we will be in touch with you immediately, and if your application is complete we will let you know if you are accepted. You will then need to book your flights and to apply for your visa. This is a process which we will walk you through. At this stage just stay in touch with us, and we will direct you when to start communicating with YWAM Harpenden. We will handle questions, and processing your application. Harpenden will deal with your visa.
Once again I'm sorry for this change, and the delay in making a decision. Unfortunately what has happened with the visas has been beyond our control But we believe that it has forced us to engage in a partnership with another YWAM centre that could be very fruitful, and will lead to a very exciting DTS.
Jonny Clark
National Director, YWAM Ireland
Thank you so much for your interest in our DTS here in Ireland, the Nomad's school. I appreciate that some of you have been waiting to hear information and I'm sorry that we have not been able to be quicker and more exact in our communication. The reason there has been a hold up is due to a bureaucratic error on behalf of the British Immigration service. This service has been undertaking a major shake up in the way they process visa applications from people coming from outside of the European Union. Due to this mistake, YWAM Northern Ireland cannot bring in overseas nationals until April time at least - at the moment- the timing is unsure....SO...
We are having to make a suggested change to the Nomad's school. We are now going to split the 3 month DTS lecture phase into 2 segments. The first phase will be 6 weeks, and will be in YWAM Harpenden, in England (, Most of the second phase will be in Belfast, Northern Ireland for 6 weeks, but we will also visit our other base, Closkelt, and maybe even do a week of lectures on the road!! At that point the DTS will probably split into 2 teams, one team will travel and do outreach in Ireland, and the other group will be in Europe. There will also be an option for those who want to, to take part in a 2 week trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories. The DTS will start on the 5th April so time is short.
I think this change will actually make this school very exciting. It will merge the benefits of two very different works. YWAM Harpenden is a well established large beautiful property 30 minutes north of London by train. YWAM Belfast is a cutting edge ministry in the heart of a troubled urban neighbourhood - every student who comes here will have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to some of the neediest youth and families in the UK and Ireland.
This change now means that YWAM Harpenden will process your visa application. What we need to know is whether you still want to go ahead and join this school. If you do, then we will be in touch with you immediately, and if your application is complete we will let you know if you are accepted. You will then need to book your flights and to apply for your visa. This is a process which we will walk you through. At this stage just stay in touch with us, and we will direct you when to start communicating with YWAM Harpenden. We will handle questions, and processing your application. Harpenden will deal with your visa.
Once again I'm sorry for this change, and the delay in making a decision. Unfortunately what has happened with the visas has been beyond our control But we believe that it has forced us to engage in a partnership with another YWAM centre that could be very fruitful, and will lead to a very exciting DTS.
Jonny Clark
National Director, YWAM Ireland
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
New! YWAM Ireland's DTS goes nomadic!

The first phase (6 weeks) will be at our training centre in rural Closkelt overlooking the Mourne Mountains while the second phase (6 weeks) will take place in urban Belfast. The third phase (8 weeks) will take place in different cities around the island - possibly Dublin, Cork, Galway and (London)Derry.
This school is a great opportunity for those who have a heart for this island. You'll have a chance to be a part of a variety of ministries both in the north and the south.
If you'd like an application or more information on this school, please visit our website soon! There is still time to apply!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Reconciliation Discipleship Training Tom Tate
In no less than 4 days time the first of 12 students will be arriving in one of Belfast's two airports. Laden down with luggage, we will welcome them into our community here in YWAM Belfast.
Next Monday begins the 7th DTS to be run in Belfast (at least this time around! I keep hearing rumour about a DTS that was run here in the 1970's….) and I think the 4th to have a distinctly Reconciliation focus.
So what's that all about? Why "reconciliation"? In many ways, reconciliation is becoming one of those buzz words, thrown out there to sound impressive though no one really knows what it means. Here in Belfast, we long to be serious about it. In a world where anger, violence and revenge are often the "go-to" tactics in conflict situations, we wonder whether there is another way?
We believe yes, and we're going to be spending the next 7 months exploring this idea with this group of 12 students. YWAM's motto is "To know God and make Him known" and one of our foundational values is "Do first, then teach". There's something special about knowing something personally before you move on to ministering out of that. In this time, we want to share with the students the God who came to them, who has reconciled Himself to them, and from that place of knowing God as a reconciler we can move on to trying to mirror His image and be peacemakers in these situations that surround us.
During the DTS students will have lectures, be involved in local outreach in the local community, have a chance to hear stories from people affected by conflict and learn from them, and also engage in a 10 week trip to a post or current conflict area to put what they are learning into practice.
Our vision is for a group of people to emerge from this DTS, trained in both discipleship and an awareness of their relationship to God, but also skilled to speak into conflict situations, to speak out "this is NOT the will of God!" To cry peace in a land of war, and forgiveness in the midst of revenge.
After all, we've been told to get on with it: "All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation" (2 Cor 5:18). We have a mandate…. This DTS exists to raise a generation of people willing to live it… Those willing to give up everything to see it come into being.
Next Monday begins the 7th DTS to be run in Belfast (at least this time around! I keep hearing rumour about a DTS that was run here in the 1970's….) and I think the 4th to have a distinctly Reconciliation focus.
So what's that all about? Why "reconciliation"? In many ways, reconciliation is becoming one of those buzz words, thrown out there to sound impressive though no one really knows what it means. Here in Belfast, we long to be serious about it. In a world where anger, violence and revenge are often the "go-to" tactics in conflict situations, we wonder whether there is another way?
We believe yes, and we're going to be spending the next 7 months exploring this idea with this group of 12 students. YWAM's motto is "To know God and make Him known" and one of our foundational values is "Do first, then teach". There's something special about knowing something personally before you move on to ministering out of that. In this time, we want to share with the students the God who came to them, who has reconciled Himself to them, and from that place of knowing God as a reconciler we can move on to trying to mirror His image and be peacemakers in these situations that surround us.
During the DTS students will have lectures, be involved in local outreach in the local community, have a chance to hear stories from people affected by conflict and learn from them, and also engage in a 10 week trip to a post or current conflict area to put what they are learning into practice.
Our vision is for a group of people to emerge from this DTS, trained in both discipleship and an awareness of their relationship to God, but also skilled to speak into conflict situations, to speak out "this is NOT the will of God!" To cry peace in a land of war, and forgiveness in the midst of revenge.
After all, we've been told to get on with it: "All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation" (2 Cor 5:18). We have a mandate…. This DTS exists to raise a generation of people willing to live it… Those willing to give up everything to see it come into being.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Discipleship Training Mikael Kristiansen
This weekend we're receiving ten new members to our YWAM Ireland team, arriving from a few different countries to take part in the Discipleship Training School which starts this coming Monday in Closkelt and runs through until the end of March next year. During that time, they will work along side us in our ministries, as well as receive training and guidance in missionary work and their relationship with Christ.
With only hours left to prepare, the staff in Closkelt are busy with the preparations for their arrival, cleaning and painting and typing and praying a week's worth of work into the little time remaining. The students are essentially doubling the size of the team in Closkelt while they're here, so the community is buzzing with the excitement of impending new arrivals.
We're currently operating with lower numbers in Closkelt than usual, and thus also a smaller DTS, but we're excited to continue to be a participatory part in what the Lord is desiring for our local community and around the island. Through training of teams for outreach, individuals for missions, and in reaching the local area, we're happy to continue serving in His vision to reach all people with His gospel of forgiveness, love, and reconciliation. This coming DTS will be participating in kids' ministry in our local area (rural Co. Down), as well as working with Outreach N.I. in Banbridge, reaching out to weekend party-goers through the local Nightreach initiative. Come January, the DTS team will also spend two months in South Africa, working alongside YWAM and local ministry contacts of ours, the latest in a string of outreaches we've sent there over the last few years. In this, we hope to continue to build important bridges between Northern Ireland and South Africa, recognizing our shared experience of conflict and of trying to answer questions of forgiveness and reconciliation.