Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Instant human...just add caffeine - by Jessica Atteberry

As per usual, we had to run errands on the weekend - it gets you into town though and when you live in a rural community, going to town is a big deal. Heather, Jon and I went to weigh and price packages for a friend who has returned home. We made bets on how much it would cost, of course. Who wouldn't be in for some fun? Shipping things from the UK to the States - ridiculous! The dollar is horrible right now and the pound has always been strong. Take a guess at what six boxes would cost (varying weights)….£ 300. That's right, close to $650. Crazy!

After that was finished, we went in to our local coffee shop: The Green Bean. Coffee shop on a cold, windy day - how much does that cost: priceless. (Do you here a bit of American marketing creeping in here?) Anyways, painted on one of the ceiling beams was this: 'Instant human…just add coffee'. I giggled and thought it was quite humorous. Its very true for our YWAM base and I'm sure its true for others. To kick start any day of YWAM you need a cup of joe or a cup of tea to function. Yes, we all know its an addiction, but I'm okay with my drug of choice.

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