Friday, October 06, 2006
your brain never sleeps

On the way out the door last week, I asked if either of the two boys who live downstairs wanted to come with me to the grocery store. After an acknowledged nod from mum, they were both allowed to go, but only one came. So I had a friend to walk with to the shop. He was such a little boy in every respect, mainly in the way he kept pulling odds and ends, bits and pieces of random things, out of his pockets. The simplicity of it reminded me of my brothers, and other little boys that I've baby sat over the years.
Chocolates, wrappers, notes, pens, little toys. And when we walked into the store, he pulled out a juice box, which made me laugh out loud, to his confusion.
On the walk across the vacant parking lot, I mentioned that I needed to get toilet paper, ice cream and milk, but that we could get ice cream last so that it wouldn't melt. Shopping done, baskets full, I spoke out loud--Do I have everything I need?...
Little friend responded thoughtfully, "Well, you did say that you'd get ice cream last, and you have your ice you probably have everything." Ooooo, I love logic.
We checked out. He asked the cashier if I was actually paying, or if I was just using that gold card.
It had started to rain, which is a transitional phrase for every good story set in Ireland. Hoods up.
Little friend started to talk about the wonders of burping after a big meal, to leave room for ice cream. I agreed, and chucked in that God had some foresight when He made our bodies able to burp.
And suddenly, a statement that slid off the slick sidewalk--
"I want to be up flying with the angels."
Followed by,
"Erin, did you know that your brain never sleeps and your soul never dies?"
Wisdom from the mouth of babes, from babes who have a little bit of a Belfast slur, who play with plastic guns and frisbees, who throw rocks at the neighbors' window, who take care of the deaf/dumb/blind cat named Tom, tenderly. Even though he mightn't get the chances I've had in life...I know this wee boy is on his way to know God.