Monday, April 30, 2007
Just Another Manic Monday? - Blog by Mikey
I'm just getting new to this whole idea of 'Weekly Blog' and to be quite's scary! I mean, sure I enjoy my own writings from time to time and I've dipped my hand in poetry on more then one occasion but to have a dead-line of EVERY WEEK! Argh! I can feel my mind pulsating as I toil over things to write. "Should it be a work update?" I question myself, "Should I write a spiritual reflection? Or how about a poll of who prefers Blondes over Brunettes?". My mind races the clock as the day grows older. I come back and forth to this task, juggling it with my work like I'm my own act in the Festival of Fools.
Suddenly......the revelation comes! An Update: I'm starting up at Common Grounds soon as a volunteer on Wednesdays! So if you're in the Holy Land on Wednesday mornings, stop on by. :) More on that to come.
Here's a photo for your view pleasure...

--El Matador Miguelito
Suddenly......the revelation comes! An Update: I'm starting up at Common Grounds soon as a volunteer on Wednesdays! So if you're in the Holy Land on Wednesday mornings, stop on by. :) More on that to come.
Here's a photo for your view pleasure...

--El Matador Miguelito