Friday, April 27, 2007

Palestine Update! - by Lidia

Hi, to all our wonderful people who are reading this blog...
Blessings From our Father:

My name is Lidia Lammardo, i am called Miss Argentina, and i have been working in Ywam Belfast, since 2005
I am currently organizing a 2 weeks outreach to Bethlehem...Having been there twice, i can tell you that the experience has been enjoyable, bringing personal growth as i was available to share my time and life with the community there.

So, i thought of posting this email with more details concerning the trip to Palestine, and you can pray and consider if God is leading you to come and be part of it...

We are planing to leave from Heathrow Airport, England, on Monday the 16 of July, and come back on Monday the 30 of July.
The first week will be kind of an orientation week, listening to the stories of jews and Christian Arabs who are involved in reconciliation work, doing some prayer walks and meeting the Christian community in Bethlehem.
The second week, we will be spending time doing practical work, in refugee camps, farms, orphanage and doing some youth programs. It is going to be hot, the weather will be nice, and no rain!!! I feel i have to clarify this fact with our lovely people from the UK, who are in love with the weather here!!!
But we will do some indoor activities and try to keep the afternoons free, when the sun is stronger.
I guess, in our hearts we desire to bring some encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Bethlehem, weather by sharing with them, praying or serving their country with our hands and work.

The cost: £320. It includes transport , accommodation, food,materials for the practical work and speakers gifts.
Every participant will have to cover his own plane ticket. You can check in British Airways, for direct flights to Tel Aviv.

I will recommend you to confirm with us as soon as you know that you will be coming, so you can get your plane ticket earlier and cheaper, in case of wanting to go ahead, just let me know, and i can send you an application form by email, with your personal information.
Finally, application forms will be received until the end of May. We can take some cases in consideration but it will depend on the matter of the delay.

Hoping and praying God will guide you in His will. Chau, Lidia...





Every blessings...Lidia

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