Monday, May 07, 2007
The Great Porn Debate - Blog by Mikey
I was checking out the latest blog by XXXchurch recently on their myspace when I came across an interesting debate that was happening in the Blog Comment area. If you're not familiar, XXXchurch is a moving church body who openly tackle the issue of pornography. They host mens breakfasts, open debates and even attend Pornography Festivals spreading out tracks and offering prayer. Their slogan, "We're not telling you what to do or not do here, but if you think you have a problem and you want help, we're here for you." (ok so it's a long slogan but who can knock that?!)
On their latest myspace blog, X3church told about the recent protesting that went on at one of their Great Porn Debates. I guess a lot of people showed up with picket signs to protest such a topic. Dealing with this issue will of course bring up conflict within the Christian body but my question isn't, "Why are we arguing?!" but rather "How are we arguing?"
It's hard to recall just how many people I have meet through the years, who have been burdened and hurt by the Church. Just last summer I was in downtown Belfast, skating in the city square when I started talking to these two kids. They noticed a picture of Jesus hanging on my key-ring and asked me if I was a Christian. "Well...yes." I said "I am a Christian. Are you two?" One of the boys said his mom is and the other paused...."I hate Christians", he said.
After talking with the kids a bit longer I found out that both of them were bi-sexual and both have had a lot of problems with the Christian Religion. "If who I am is such a 'sin' then why should I believe in your faith?" I was amazed to find out how well they spoke their Christian jargon with me. These boys have obviously been around Christians before, Northern Ireland it's hard not too. I spoke with them for awhile longer and to my surprise, they sure had loads of questions. "What about hell?" "Is it okay to be gay and be christian?" "Does Jesus still love me if I'm gay?" "Why are you still talking with us?" That last question threw my back a bit. These kids were shocked to see that I haven't done either of what they expected; I didn't tell them to Turn or Burn, and I didn't walk away. I sat with them and I listened to their stories and I tried to handle their questions.
I left later that day knowing that I probably just gave them the greatest thing they could of asked for from a Christian...I gave them my time. I think that...some people want answers but everyone wants time.
So whether you're Craig Gross, debating the issue of Porn with Ron Jeremy in front of hundreds, or you're confronted by an angst teen about Homosexuality, or maybe you're talking about Abortion to a new friend in a coffee shop. I encourage you (and myself) to give the best gift you can give in those conversations...your time.

to find out more about XXXchurch and the Great Porn Debate please visit these sites:
On their latest myspace blog, X3church told about the recent protesting that went on at one of their Great Porn Debates. I guess a lot of people showed up with picket signs to protest such a topic. Dealing with this issue will of course bring up conflict within the Christian body but my question isn't, "Why are we arguing?!" but rather "How are we arguing?"
It's hard to recall just how many people I have meet through the years, who have been burdened and hurt by the Church. Just last summer I was in downtown Belfast, skating in the city square when I started talking to these two kids. They noticed a picture of Jesus hanging on my key-ring and asked me if I was a Christian. "Well...yes." I said "I am a Christian. Are you two?" One of the boys said his mom is and the other paused...."I hate Christians", he said.
After talking with the kids a bit longer I found out that both of them were bi-sexual and both have had a lot of problems with the Christian Religion. "If who I am is such a 'sin' then why should I believe in your faith?" I was amazed to find out how well they spoke their Christian jargon with me. These boys have obviously been around Christians before, Northern Ireland it's hard not too. I spoke with them for awhile longer and to my surprise, they sure had loads of questions. "What about hell?" "Is it okay to be gay and be christian?" "Does Jesus still love me if I'm gay?" "Why are you still talking with us?" That last question threw my back a bit. These kids were shocked to see that I haven't done either of what they expected; I didn't tell them to Turn or Burn, and I didn't walk away. I sat with them and I listened to their stories and I tried to handle their questions.
I left later that day knowing that I probably just gave them the greatest thing they could of asked for from a Christian...I gave them my time. I think that...some people want answers but everyone wants time.
So whether you're Craig Gross, debating the issue of Porn with Ron Jeremy in front of hundreds, or you're confronted by an angst teen about Homosexuality, or maybe you're talking about Abortion to a new friend in a coffee shop. I encourage you (and myself) to give the best gift you can give in those conversations...your time.

to find out more about XXXchurch and the Great Porn Debate please visit these sites: